The policeman seemed to accept the story and the card as being fact and let me get back in my station wagon, cautioned me not to drive in costume again, and sent me on my way.

I attribute my success in getting away with it to being firm and calm in my story and more particularly in having that fake identification card.

I had made the card in case I did run into such a circumstance. It really paid off. I usually carry a small suit case in my car with me filled with mesh opera hose, long gloves, satin costume for dancing, et which I plan to show any policemen who stop me and th fake union card does not do the trick. I had forgotten to bring the case with me this time. Thank goodness the card was all he needed to convince him I was tel- ling him a straight story.

I also believe the fake card will come in handy in other circumstances. For example, if I have car troub a flat tire or other problem that makes it necessary for me to contact people and I need justification for being dressed as a woman. I could never "pass" if required to talk to someone, because my voice, though not deep or too masculine is, never the less not feminine.

Once when I needed gasoline and was dolled up in my car wearing nothing but a skimpy playsuit, I used the fake union card as an excuse when I talked to the filling station attendant. He claimed he thought I was a "well-stacked dame" until he heard my voice.

Others might find such a fake card handy, if caugh in a situation where they need to justify their being in costume.


